User Awareness of Inflibnet in ETD Shodhganga- A View

  • T N M Tharinni Mai Sr. Librarian Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai
Keywords: D-SPACE, ETD, World Wide Web, Researcher, College, Universities, Information technology


Electronic thesis dissertation is important recourses of research scholars. Faculty and researchers Theses and dissertation are most important intellectual contributions.ETDs increase the availability of research to the academic community worldwide, it increase the exposure to potential researchers, improve student understanding of electronic publishing issues and reduce the need for library space. The ETD will be given an address on the World Wide Web after it is publicly released so it can be accessible worldwide. Through the World Wide Web, people anywhere in the world can link directly to specific ETDs or to ETD collections at universities. ETDs are cost-effective for both the scholars and the university. It helps in accelerating workflow within the university and the library systems and makes faster access to theses and dissertations available to outside researchers. Researcher’s time and cost are saved. Further we discuss the features, objective, Methodology, Data analysis and interpretation and finally give conclusion

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