Political Activities of Communist Party in the Madras State (From 1925-1947)
The Industrial revoluation in the 18th century made a great change in the wastern countries. The writings of Rousseau, Karlmarx and Fredrick Eagels were responsible for the outburst of many revolutionary movements in the world which led to the class struggle. Hegal’s ideas explained by Karlmarx and practiced by Lenin gave the communist ideas to the people. Spreading of this ideas motivated to the Russian revolution in 1917. The victory of Russian revoluation in 7th November 1917 made its people equal among themselves. The victory of October revolution made the colonies of communist feelings.1 The intellectual climate of India in the twenties were also favourable to communism.2 The early activities of the communist party of India revolved around the personality of Narendra Nath Battachariya better known as M.N.Roy, a gifted Bengali who represented all those qualities that could be expected from a child of the most revolutionary province of India. Roy established his headquarters at Tashkand, where he formed a revolutionary school and commence to train Evlin Trent Roy, Abani Mukerjee, Rosa Pittinghop, Mohammed Ali, Mohammed Shabi Siddiq and M.P.T Acharya are and selected Muhajiria as communist agents.4 In may 1921, the III International summoned in Moscow all prominent Indian revolutionaries within their reach in order to select a suitable leader to direct work against India. In August 1921 Roy was selected as the most suitable individual to direct operators against India.5

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