A Study on EKTA and Women’s Welfare

  • N Neela Head & Associate Professor, Department of History, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College (W), (A), Madurai
  • Damayanthi Elizabeth M.Phil (PT) Scholar in History, Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College (W), (A), Madurai
Keywords: peasants, labours, welfare, social transformation, development, social change


Voluntary organizations are those that are working with the poor, needy, destitute children and women, peasants and labourers and people belonging to Vulnerable Section of Society. The Voluntary Organizations that are being understood and recognised today have emerged from the colonial days, though Service and Social work existed prior to colonial period, but not to the extent that we see today. In a Post- Independent India the expanding role of different organizations of this nature could be seen more. The rise and growth of these organisations ensuring their participation in the governmental obligations envisage the inability of the latter in working for the larger majority of its subjects on its own.

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