Dr. T.S. Soundaram and Eradication of Untouchability
This paper attempts to highlight the enthusiasm shown by the social reformer Dr. T.S. Soundaram, in eradicating untouchability through Madurai Temple Entry Movement. To uplift the Harijans and to propagate untouchability, Dr. T.S. Soundaram took efforts vigorously with the guidance of his mother Lakshmi Ammal through Hindu Women’s Association and Tamilnadu Harijan Sevak Sangh. Among the marks of untouchability to be removed was the prohibition against Temple-Entry by the Harijans. Apart from Gandhi’s appeal, Dr. T.S. Soundaram with leaders like A. VaidyanathaIyer and other women volunteers advocated the removal of this social disability from the Hindu Society. The Temple-Entry was considered the climax of anti-untouchability campaign. She with the cooperation of the general public involved in the Temple-Entry propaganda by the way of conducting meetings, involving door to door canvass, issuing pamphlets, etc. After the investment of her laborious works for years together, the Harijans Temple Entry was achieved peacefully on July 8th 1939. In this Movement, she faced opposition from the Sanatanists. With the able measures of A.V. Iyer and others, Dr. T.S. Soundaram emerged as a key person in passing the Untouchability Act in the Madras Legislative Assembly.

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