The Role of Co-Operative Societies for the Upliftment of the Agrarians in Tamil Nadu
The Co-operative Societies played a vital role for the development of agriculture in Tamil Nadu. It emerged as an important factor in the development of agricultural sector and historically stating that in Madras, Co-operative Societies commenced their work since the passing of the Co-operative Credit Societies Act of 1904. Their main aim is to give loan to the agrarians. They have done a valuable work and there were 10,743 primary
agricultural co-operative societies in the Madras province in 1939. The Government expressed their recognition to the chairman and members of the committee for their valuable work and encouraged to contribute fruitfully. The co-operative societies and their allied organisation, co-operation Banks played a vital role for the griculture
development in Tamil Nadu. It gave financial assistance and other support for the purchase of agricultural products and cultivating instruments such as plough, tractors, bulldozers and others.

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