Production and Promotion of Milk in Madurai District – An View

  • S A Shamsudeen Ibrahim Head, P.G. Department of Commerce (C.A), M.S.S.Wakf Board College, Madurai
Keywords: Livestock, Poultry, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Forestry and Soil Fertility


The allied activities had occupied pivotal role in the production prospects of livestock and poultry, fish products and forestry products. The three sub-sectors namely animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry are providing subsidiary occupation and income to the rural masses besides contributing income to the national economy. Animal husbandry activities are all important both as principal activity and as subsidiary activity along with agriculture. Dairy fits well with farm enterprise and also creates gainful employment opportunities, which reduce rural unemployment. It contributes about six to eight per cent of the national income. This would lead to fuller utilization of soil fertility, fuller employment for farmers throughout the year and an increase in rural incomes. Dairy products are a major source of cheap and nutritious food to millions of people in India and the only acceptable source of animal protein for large vegetarian segment of Indian population, particularly among landless, small and marginal farmers and women.

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