I am the Most Significant
In samskrtam the means of knowledge is called pramanam. Prama means knowledge. Ma also means knowledge, pramakaranam pramanam. The means for knowledge is called pramanam. Sensory perception and witness perception are called pratyaksa. The colour and the form become evident to you because of your eyes. Colour doesn't become evident to you if your eyes are colour blind. When you say that a thing exists, it exists because you happen to know. The objects in the world do not have a capacity to reveal themselves without your knowing them through the appropriate means of knowledge. In our iastra, a beautiful imagery is employed to drive home this idea. You have eyes that are capable of sight. The Swami standing on the dias is an existential fact. But still, if the Swami was not available for reflecting light, you would not be able to see the Swami, since the body is not self-radiant and also because your eyes cannot perceive anything without picking up light. Sight is always in terms of picking up light. You will not be able to see me unless this body reflects light. If my body is self radiating, then I would not require the body to reflect any light.

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