Ramnad Sethupathis and Fort

  • S. Saravanan Assistant Professor of History, R.D.Government Arts College, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Ramnad, Sethupathi, Fort, Vijaya, Brahma Hathi


Ramnad region was one of the holy land in Hindu people. This region was related to epic Ramayanam. Ramnad area 17th and 18th century ruled by Sethupathi ruler. Sethupathi kingdom was established by Madurai nayak king Muthu krishnappa nayak. So Sethupathi ruler under the control of Madurai nayaks. Later than 17th century one of the Sethupathi ruler Kilavan Sethupathi declared independed ruler. He was annex some area in nearest rulers region. So safeguard of his region captured and constructed some forts. Next ruler Vijaya Ragunatha Sethupathi constructed some forts in Sethunadu.

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