Brand Switching and Buying Behaviour

  • N Ramachandran Teaching Assistant, Department of Business Administration, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai
Keywords: Modern Marketing, Social factors, shaping buyer’s, triggers, Purchase decision, product


Buying behaviour is dynamic. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously study, analyse and understand it and monitor this understanding to the marketing management so that effective decisions can be taken in respect of product, price, promotion and distribution.

Consumer research is vital in formulating marketing strategies because a knowledge of the factors that influence consumer purchase can help to increase market share. The ultimate motive of all the marketing activities is to satisfy the consumers. A sense of psychological and socio-cultural factors operating on consumers enables the marketers to make producer about the consumers reaction to new products, price changes, promotional campaign and their needs and wants. Causing awareness and preferences is essential in the Modern Marketing. This will help in identifying different market segments and in shaping buyer’s desires and aspirations.

Knowledge of buyers thus gives marketers a competitive edge in framing their response to the market and it encourages them to promote the surface of market events.

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