A Study on the Emerging Trends of Indian Dairy Industries

  • M Ganesan Ph.D. Research Scholar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Technological Support, Buying Power, Value-Added Products, Rising Demand and Organized and Unorganized Sector


The livestock animals industry contributes right around 4 percent to India's GDP, with the dairy sector making up the larger part. It is in this manner amazing that this sector ought to be to a great extent unorganized. As a growing economy, India has seen fast development as of late and the dairy industry, specifically, is one which should be brought into center. With the Union Budget 2018-19 giving an uncommon spotlight on the rural sector, we can dare to dream that there will be greater development as far as supply chain management and presentation of innovation. Thesector for what it's worth at present faces a few difficulties, for example, inaccessibility of nutritious feed, poor storerooms and absence of innovative help, to give some examples. Despite the fact that India is the biggest maker of milk on the planet,the industry itself is to a great extent unorganized, with just 18-20 percent of the absolute milk delivered being channelized in an organized way. The initial step to countering this is move the concentration to littler dairy farms, which now and then need veterinary offices and fundamental nutritious feed. With an expansion in the spending intensity of the populace, the interest for milk and other worth included dairy products is just set to increment in the coming years. So as to fulfil the rising need,there should be a checked move from the unorganized to the organized sector. Additionally, consumers these days hold more noteworthy purchasing power as well as wellbeing cognizant with respect to what they consume. There is hence a need to give sound dairy products which can be promptly consumed. This makes an open door for boutique dairy farms to set up nearby tasks giving crisp cow, bison or goats milk to consumers. Far beyond with individuals having less time nowadays, the interest for premium worth included products, for example, pro-biotic yogurt, cheddar, wellbeing shakes and so forth are on the ascent. These products have a higher edge as well as have a higher timeframe of realistic usability which makes the supply chain simpler and savvy. Hence, the present study has been focused on the emerging trends in Indian Dairy industries and the study based on secondary sources of data.

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