The Early Judicial System in Madras Under British East India Company

  • P Balagurusamy Head and Associate Professor, Department of History, G.T.N. Arts College, Dindigul
Keywords: judiciary, privileges, First Jury Trial, equity and good conscience


The early settlements of the company in India had very poor administrative set up and till 1726, the judicial system therein was even poorer. However, in course of time, for the administration of their factories and settlements, as of necessity, some legal and judicial system had to be developed. But the growth of justice system in each of the three presidency towns followed altogether different course and there was no uniformity whatsoever in its growth among these centers. The Englishmen, realizing the importance of having a sound judicial system in the territories falling under their sway, started the task of evolving a judicial system from the beginning of their administrative career. The proper study of their judicial institutions from the days of the East India Company would reveal the problems and the pitfalls which the administrators had to face in the past and the measures of correction which they took to develop the judiciary.

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