Parenting of Young Adults by Working and Non-Working Women with Special Reference to Thrissur District in Kerala

  • N Deepa Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • V Shinju Vimala College Thrissur, Kerala
Keywords: Parenting, Maternal Employment, Child Development


In the contemporary society, full time employment of mothers has become a norm. Now many mothers work due to their own choice, considering the financial, psychological and social benefits of working.  The child well-being is a result of time, personal care and money investments made by parents. In case of full time maternal employment, the father, sometimes the grandparents should make an effort to be present in active parenting role. The empirical studies on the impact of maternal employment find that child’s development and adjustment is tied to a number of relevant variables. The present study tries to bring out the effects of maternal employment and parental style adopted by them on their child development

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