Use of E-resources by Undergraduate Students of Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

  • J Arockia Anbarasu Annamalai Polytechnic College, Chettinadu, Tamil Nadu, India
  • G Muruganandham Librarian, Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Information communication technology, e-resources, e-journal, internet, Usage pattern, Medical science students


The article aims to assess and evaluate the revelation of ICT and the usage of e-resources by the under graduate students of MMCHRI medical College, MAHER University, Enathur, Tamil Nadu with a view to know the exposure of ICT and e-resources to the U.G students at their department or library. Besides, it aims to highlight the problems encountered by the U.G students and suggests some remedial measures for its improvement. The researcher investigated the usage of e-resources through a survey based on a structured questionnaire. The study confirmed that students of Medical College are aware of the e-resources and use various types of e-resources, e-databases, and e-journals. It suggests for the improvement in the access facilities with high internet speed and subscription of more e-resources for the students.

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