Patients Satisfaction towards Aravind Eye Care Hospital in Madurai City

  • M Parimala Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Lady Doak College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India,
  • S Snigtha Department of Commerce, Lady Doak College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Aravind Eye Care Hospital, Customer satisfaction, Eye problem, Perceptions, Technology, Young generations


Customers may decide to select the service or product based on the quality which has been considered as a strategic benefit for any business to gain and sustain in the market for a longer time. Products quality can be measured but the services qualities are not tangible to measure, it is depends upon the perceptions and exceptions of the customers. Perceptions and expectations of patients are considered to be the major indicator to assess the service quality of healthcare organization, because it is also highly competitive. In today’s dynamic business environment from the firm’s point of view it is about to build and sustain a strong relationship with their customers by understanding the ingredients of customer satisfaction and Hospitals sectors also need to do this. Hospitals are also classified on the basis of services provided. The various types of hospitals like Dental Hospitals, Eye Care Hospitals, Fertility Care Hospitals, Cancer Hospitals, Children Hospitals, Maternity Hospitals, Orthopedic Hospitals etc., among the various hospitals, eye care hospitals play a vital role. They provide treatments for various eye related problems. One of the big eye care hospital in Madurai is Aravind Eye Care Hospitals. The present generations are using technology in various forms to complete their task, which may lead to face some eye problems like Low Vision, Eye Irritation, Eye strain and many more. Need of Eye Care Hospital plays important role to overcome such problems. The present study focused on the patients’ satisfaction and perception towards Aravind Eye Care Hospital.

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