The Tidy Hunger in The Hungry Tide

  • M Raja Vignesh Ph.D Scholar, Saraswathi Narayanan College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • MR Chandran Associate Professor and Head, Saraswathi Narayanan College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Ecology, Eco-feminism, Climate change, Natural interdependencies, The sundarbans, Population explosion, Greediness of people, Deep ecology


Ecology is the scientific study of natural interdependencies of life forms as they relate to each other and their shared environment. Creatures produce and shape their environment, as their environment produces and shapes them. Ecology developed in reaction against the practice of isolating creatures for study in laboratories is based on field work and draws to specific disciplines of study including zoology, botany, geology and climate change and so on. A variety of wildlife survived till the later part of the 19th century despite the rapid depletion of habitat. In 1875, the sundarbans has variety of wild animals like tiger, wild buffaloes, rhinos, leopards, wild hogs, monkeys and so on and also rich floras. But now the entire sundarbans is under threat due to population explosion and the greediness of the humans. Amitav Ghosh’s novel, The Hungry Tide has profound ecological implication as he views the current global ecological crisis from the ecological and eco-feminist perspective in the sundarbans

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