Diverse Perspectives in Pursuing Research on Tribals

  • I Edward Jhotham Ph.D. Scholar (Full-Time), PG & Research Department of History, C. Abdul Hakeem College (Autonomous), Melvisharam, Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Kumaran Research Supervisor & Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of History, C. Abdul Hakeem College (Autonomous), Melvisharam, Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Tribals, Research, Perspective, Anthropological, Culture


There are diverse perspectives involved in studying the tribal issues particularly in Indian context. One shall assume that it is extremely difficult to understand the various perspectives of tribal studies. Despite shortcomings of its own, anthropological perspective provides base to the tribal studies. Therefore, it shall be considered as the parent perspective since it is the oldest and broader one.It is clearly understood that there is still a need for systematic approach in tribal studies owing to shortcomings in the existing methods and practices involved in tribal studies.

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