Attitudes Towards Reading Habits among Higher Secondary Level Students

  • R Sengamalam @ Vaanathi Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Attitude, Reading Habits, Higher Secondary Level Students


Reading is the core of any academic world and thus students in general and higher secondary level students, in particular, should develop appropriate reading skills through their effective reading and thus should have an appropriate attitude towards reading skills so as to make their learning effective and productive. The present study aims at investigating the attitudes towards reading habits among the 300 higher secondary level students with respect to their background variables in Madurai District. This investigation is carried out by using a standardized tool that was developed and standardized by the investigator. This study made attempt to reveal the significant difference in the level of attitude with respect to framed dimensions of the tool and the background variables of the study.

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