Comparative Study of Posture Deviation on C.B.S.E Higher Secondary School Boys and Government Higher Secondary School Boys

  • VA Manickam Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education & Health Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi


The purpose of the study was to analyze the postural deviation among the CBSE Higher Secondary School Boys and Government Higher Secondary School Boys. For the purpose of the study, a total of 200 higher secondary school boys randomly were selected from the  CBSE Higher Secondary Schools and Government Higher Secondary School in Sivagangai District, Tamilnadu, India. The age of the selected subjects were ranged from 15 to 17 years. The subject belonged to different areas of Sivagangai districts. Before rating the postural deformities the investigator had briefly explained about test items to the subjects, the purpose of the study and their role, the subjects were motivated to give relevant personal data and co-operate to take the necessary postural deformities rating test. The test for the study was New York Posture Rating Test Prior to the administration of tests the investigator assembled the subjects and briefed them about the purpose of the tests and the testing procedure. New York State Physical Fitness Test manual includes a posture assessment method. This test contains a series of profile illustrating 13 posture areas. For each area 3 profiles are provided for good, fair and poor posture. These are scored 5, 3 and 1 respectively. The data collected from the groups on the selected variables were statically examined to find out whether there was any significant difference between CBSE Higher Secondary School Boys and Government Higher Secondary School Boys, ‘t’ ratio was employed. The level of significance was fixed at 0.05 level of confidence. On the basis of result and within the limitation of present study the following conclusion were derived from this study. It is concluded that there is significant difference on postural deformities between the two groups the result revealed that the Government school students was better than the C.B.S.E School Students

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