Aftermath of School Dropout: Sociological Analysis with Reference to Maram Naga Tribe, Manipur

  • L Maningba Augustine Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur, India
  • M Jeyaseelan Associate Professor, Department of Sociology Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: School Dropouts, Consequences, Unemployment, Illegal Behaviour


School dropout is a serious problem faced by individual and society for which focus has been a great concern for the policymakers and researchers to deal with. The present study was to examine the consequences of school dropouts in the Maram Naga Tribe, Manipur. School dropout is not a new phenomenon but the current study will contribute to the awareness of the effects and suggest the remedies in order to curb the problems. The aims of the study were to explore the research questions such as what problems do dropouts encounter after leaving school. The researcher followed simple random sampling methodto select 260 respondents from the universe. The interview method has been used to collect data to understand the phenomena of the consequences of school dropouts. The key findings are unemployment, regret, family chaos and taking intoxicate like alcoholism, drug addiction and so on. The significance of the findings shows that dropouts have different experiences in economic, social and political outcomes in society.

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