
  • Priyanka V Gudada Department of Master of Computer Applications RajaRajeswari College of Engineering
  • Tilak H N Department of Master of Computer Applications RajaRajeswari College of Engineering
Keywords: Global Positioning System, NOSQL Database, Fire-Base, Android.


E-Puncture is an android application. It provides puncture service in a reliable and efficient way. While travelling, when people’s vehicle gets punctured (especially in an unknown place) it will be very difficult to overcome that situation i.e., to get their vehicle repaired in the meantime. Issues faced by them are lack of knowledge of nearby garages, surrounding area unknown to them, breakdown in deserted area, issue of reliable mechanic (expertise level). To overcome this problem, we have come up with an Android application E-Puncture which uses GPS to locate traveler’s location and accordingly show all nearby garages. Users can select their issue of breakdown on the application. Accordingly, one of the garages would take the job and go to the traveler’s location and repair their automobile. The project is developed using Android Studio and google cloud Firebase which includes a variety of custom tools and libraries helpful to develop Android based mobile/tablet applications such as database (Fire- store NOSQL), Google maps support, rich GUI and UI components, etc.

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