Role of Technological Knowledge in Remote Learning/E-Learning: Exploring the Post-Pandemic Scenario of the Tertiary-Level Students of Bangladesh

  • Md. Saiful Islam Lecturer & Course Coordinator, Department of English, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh
  • Shayla Akter Department of English, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh
Keywords: Tech Skill, Technological Knowledge, E-Learning, Remote Learning


The study aims to look into students’ technological knowledge from the perspective of academia. The study tried to find out the advantages the students enjoy due to having the essential technological skills and the problems students faced during the online classes for requiring more skills. The results of this study look at the tech skills one should develop for an effective and smooth teachinglearning process. The recent pandemic has had a considerable impact on the studies of graduate students and has made it mandatory to have technological knowledge to conduct studies. Data have been collected through a quantitative approach.

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