Challenges and Prospects of Inclusive Learning Education

  • K. Harankumar Research Scholar, Stella Matutina College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai
  • M. Irudhaya Mary Assistant Professor of English, Research Guide/Supervisor, Stella Matutina College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Challenges, Prospects


Enhancing the educational system’s ability to reach every student is the goal of inclusive education. This entails changing the school’s culture, rules, and procedures to better accommodate the diverse student body in the area. It is among the best strategies for fostering a welcoming and tolerant community. The goal of inclusive education is to level the playing field for all students, regardless of their disabilities, and to create equality in society. It highlights that there is no need for division when it comes to including kids with special needs in a holistic environment. According to inclusive education experts, rather than isolating and confining students with special needs in special schools, normal schools should integrate them. Subsequently and only then can we demand educational equality. However, to succeed in inclusive education in India, we must overcome numerous barriers and difficulties. Therefore, inclusive education is a strategy that guarantees every student’s attendance, involvement, and academic success. An attempt has been made to address the problems and opportunities associated with inclusive education in this study.

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