A Study on Corporate Greenwashing on Manufacturing of Lithium Batteries of Electric Vehicle (EV)

  • R Venkatesh Kumar Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies , Soladevanahalli, Bengaluru
  • C Suresh Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies Soladevanahalli, Bengaluru
Keywords: Electric Vehicles (EV), Greenwashing, Sustainability, Environmental Impact, Consumer Awareness


The emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) as a promising solution to environmental concerns has coincided with a troubling phenomenon—greenwashing. This paper explores the deceptive practices employed by some entities in the EV industry to exaggerate their environmental credentials. The primary objective is to shed light on the subtle manipulations and misleading marketing strategies that obscure the true ecological impact of EVs.

Examining case studies and industry trends, the paper delves into instances where companies emphasize the zero-emission aspect of EVs while overlooking the entire lifecycle's environmental toll, from raw material extraction to production and disposal. The allure of a greener alternative has led to a competitive landscape where distinguishing between authentic sustainability and superficial marketing becomes challenging for consumers.

Furthermore, the paper delves into the motivations behind greenwashing in the EV sector. It investigates how these practices serve as a market appeal strategy, attracting environmentally conscious consumers, and how they contribute to gaining a competitive edge in an increasingly saturated market. By identifying greenwashing, the paper advocates for consumer protection and encourages corporate accountability, emphasizing the importance of transparent and genuine commitment to sustainability in the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles.

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