A Quality Education through Leveraging Inclusive Education

  • V. Lincy Pushpa Research Scholar, Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai
  • K. A. Sheeba Assistant Professor of Physical Science, Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Quality Education, Necessity of Inclusive Education, Positive Effects of Inclusive Education, Crucial Elements of Inclusion


Every child in India has the right to free and compulsory education as it is promised in the constitution in ARTICLE:21A. It is a right to have respectable and dignified life under ARTICLE 21.Education is the key factor which eradicates the social evils and brings social harmony. Hence, no one should be deprived of the opportunity to get education. No one should be discriminated based on their differences and disabilities. As a civilised society bringing people with differences into the main stream of education by overcoming the barriers and disadvantages focusing on the advantages to bring inclusive education as a common system. Our education system should be tuned towards the goal of achieving and imparting inclusive education.

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