Blurring the Literary Horizons in the Digital Age

  • S Nandhini Assistant Professor, Department of English, Annai Hajira Women’s College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Digital Age, Literature, Geo-Political Influences, Cultural Values, ICT Tools


Literature is the manifestation of the societal, political and cultural factors that govern that society. Every piece of literature is reflective of the shared social values, cultural identity and political ideologies that strengthen the ethnical, linguistic and anthropological studies. Transtition from one age to another is accelerated by the changing standards of living, geo-political influences and cultural values that distinguish one age from the other. The birth of digital era can be traced back to the rapid industralisation, globalization and consumerism culture. The inevitable phenomenon of digitalization has seeped into all fields namely commerce, media, education and healthcare which influence the way of living and living standards. It goes unsaid that literature mirrors the living conditions and characteristics of the age in which it is produced. Therefore, digitalization of literature can be considered as the natural outcome of the digital ways of living. 

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