Rural Household LPG Consumption of Andanallur Block of Tiruchirappalli District

  • M. Manimegalai Ph.D., Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Economics Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy, Affiliated to the Bharathidasan University, Tirucirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S. Seethalakshmi Head and Associate Professor, Research Advisor, PG and Research Department of Economics, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy, Affiliated to the Bharathidasan University, Tirucirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: LPG Consumption, Problems to Adopting LPG, Impact of LPG in Rural Areas


In this research paper, the researcher focuses on LPG consumption by rural households in the Tiruchirappalli district. The researcher chose the random sampling method to select the study area. Based on the pilot survey, the Andanallur Block of Tiruchirappalli District was chosen, with five highly potential villages identified using the 2011 census data. Thirty samples were selected from each village, totaling 150 sample respondents for this research work. The study identified several issues. LPG serves as an alternative to other energy sources for cooking in households and is more environmentally friendly. LPG reduces air pollution, preventing respiratory diseases. The Indian government is making significant efforts to increase LPG usage across the country. The researcher concludes that in the Andanallur block, the majority of sample households are adopting LPG despite facing various challenges. Some households continue using traditional cooking methods due to the lower cost of wood and other available energy sources. However, with the increasing use of LPG, its cost has risen, affecting the day-to-day lives of rural people. Some are unable to afford the high costs, hindering their adoption of LPG.

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