Women Empowerment in Sudha Murthy’s Gently Falls the Bakula

  • N R Nirudhi II MA English, Department of English PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
  • S Saranya Assistant Professor, Department of English PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
Keywords: Identity, Empowerment, Individuality, Acceptance


This article explores Gently Falls the Bakula by Sudha Murthy as a realistic fictional novel that delves into Women’s empowerment and intricately weaves identity and self-discovery. The narrative intimately follows a female protagonist’s journey as she courageously navigates the intricacies of marriage and societal expectations, asserting her rights and individuality. Murthy’s poignant portrayal illuminates the complexities of a woman struggle to carve her identity beyond the conventional roles of wife, mother, and daughter, underscoring how societal norms often constrict and stifle her personal growth. Murthy passionately advocates for social equality and women’s empowerment, compelling readers to introspect on women’s challenges in their relentless pursuit of equality and personal fulfilment.

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