Unraveling the Tyranny: Exploring the Abusive Use of Power in Animal Farms
It is common for strong leaders to take advantage of common people, frequently by abusing their position of control and keeping the public silent. Similar to what transpired in the Soviet Union, George Orwell illustrates in Animal Farm how education and knowledge may be used as instruments of ultimate authority, resulting in the oppression and misery of the ignorant. The purposeful employment of ambiguous language and intimidation techniques allowed leaders to control people for their personal benefit, creating laws and disseminating false information to further their agendas. Power might have been used for the good of society as a whole, but it was instead abused and manipulated. To explore these elements, this research takes a historical approach. The persuasive examination of the misuse of power provided by this allegorical novella is impressive. Examining the people, occasions, and ideas that highlight the tyranny and oppression that are present everywhere, this investigation digs into the complex layers of Animal Farm.
Copyright (c) 2024 T Haritha, M Divya

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