Exposition of Indian Values in the Select Novels of Sudha Murty

  • M Baby Sahila Ph. D. Research Scholar (Part-time) Department of English and Comparative Literature School of English and Foreign Language, Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai
Keywords: Social Equality, Sovereignty and Material Wealth, Leukoderma, Psychological Problems


Sudha Murty is a successful modern day writer whose works have been translated into many languages. Sudha Murty being a rational, resourceful and emotional woman understands that social equality is must for each and every individual. She is a recipient of many awards and the most reputable amongst them are the Padma Shri Award and the R.K.Narayan’s Award for her remarkable contribution in the field of thought provoking and motivation literature in India. On reading the novel “Gently Falls the Bakula” one can sense her best feelings that numerous couples undergo social and psychological problems. The book “Mahashweta” depicts the “skin deep” (Leukoderma) nature of relations that is revealed in things are unstable and may be even dangerous. The novel “Dollar Bahu” teach us valuable lesson that mere dollar cannot buy love and respect. The novel “Wise and Otherwise: a salute to life,” consists of 51 short anecdotes each one imparting vital human values. The “House of Cards” novel analyzes how ambition leads a person in pursuit of sovereignty and material wealth which leads to corruption and slowly the breakdown of family life and individuals.

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