Thenmala Ecotourism: An Analysis

  • K Anila Assistant Professor, Department of History, Velu Thampi Memorial Nair Service Society College, Dhanuvachapuram, Kerala, India
Keywords: Eco tourism, Adventure tourism, Thenmala Ecotourism Promotion Society


 In 1983Hector Ceballos- Lascurain coined the term ‘ecotourism’ to describe a new form of tourism. The term ecotourism can be defined as “environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature, that promotes conservation has low negative visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations”. It is a component of nature tourism as well as a part of sustainable tourism. In this article an attempt is made to trace out the features of ecotourism project in Thenmala (Kollam District).

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