Artificial Intelligence and Humans: Assessing the Effects on Privacy and Freedom

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Freedom, Privacy, Technology


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary area that integrates elements from several domains. Sometimes, it is also called deep learning or machine learning. And it can simply be referred to as making machines capable of thinking like humans and acting like humans. The process of AI involves developing specific algorithms in order to solve complex tasks that are difficult for humans. With the advancement of innovative technologies, the role of machines has become an inevitable factor in almost all fields of human life. AI has emerged as a super-intelligent mechanism that can solve many issues and find solutions suddenly and promptly. However, such an application of AI has also created numerous challenges against human rights. The greatest threat posed by the use of AI is the infringement of individual freedom and privacy. AI has now enabled the management of many human activities, and this management has led to excessive control of machines over human affairs. AI can gain access to individuals’ personal lives without their consent. Data protection is another challenge of AI, as it can violate individuals’ privacy and freedom. The detractors of AI argue that it has no respect for individuals’ emotions and social values because most of the AI is generated through such algorithms. This paper discusses how AI impacts human activities by compromising individuals’ privacy and freedom. Similarly, it discusses AI regulatory mechanisms that have been taken at national and global levels. Furthermore, it provides key recommendations in order to regulate the excess interference of AI technology over human affairs.

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