Development of Banana Peel Powder Incorporated Functional Cookies

  • R Anitha PG Department of Foods and Nutrition, Muthurangam Governmentt Arts College (A), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Arun Kumar PG Department of Foods and Nutrition, Muthurangam Governmentt Arts College (A), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Rameshthangam Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India
Keywords: Nendran Banana, Peel Flour, Nutritional Content, Nutraceutical Potential, Food Formulation


Nendran Banana is one of the most common fruits consumed worldwide, and it contributes significantly to the waste produced by food consumption. Banana peel waste has a significant amount of food fibre, phenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, antibacterial, and anticarcinogenic substances. Repurposing banana processing waste, such as peel, has the potential to boost raw material output and, as a result, reduce food industry waste while simultaneously improving the availability of nutritional and nutraceutical potential among the human population. This study is aimed to assess the nutritional, functional and bioactive compounds of prepared nendran banana peel flour and its incorporation in to various proportion of cookies formulation. Nendran bananas were purchased from a local market, sorted, peeled, soaked in 2% lime juice for 15 minutes, dried, powdered with a mixer grinder, sieved to produce a fine powder, and analysed for physical and functional properties such as length, width, and dimension, water and oil holding capacity, swelling powder, and proximate composition such as moisture, ash, carbohydrate, protein, fat, and fibre. The approximate composition of the banana flour was determined using AOAC standard techniques. Bioactive components were also assessed. The two varieties of cookies were prepared with the incorporation of nendran banana peel powder at the rate of 5 % and 10% and analysed for their nutritional components. The functional features of nendran banana peel powder revealed that it had a higher water-holding capacity, good oil-holding capacity, high solubility, and a high swelling capacity. Nendran Banana Peel Flour was discovered to be high in protein and crude fibre. It possesses greater antioxidant scavenging activity as well as possible polyphenolic substances. The produced food formulation was organoleptically evaluated using a 5-point hedonic rating scale, and the best product was chosen based on the sensory scores. The study suggested that the nendran banana peel flour is a versatile nutritional supplementation and provides a great health impact.

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