Analytical Study on the Impact of Teaching-Learning of ‘Transformation Geometry’ in Secondary Schools in General using Van Hiele’s Model

Keywords: Difficulties, Enlargement Transformation, Van Hiele’s model, Prior Knowledge


An analysis of the methods involved in the teaching-learning of the topics related to Transformation Geometry’ is one of the topics in mathematics in which learners have not been performing very well. The purpose of the study is aimed to identify the difficulties of the learners encounter when learning transformation geometry using Van Hiele’s model. Data was analysed through a process of coding, categorizing, clustering and performance indicators corresponding to the Van Hiele’s model were used in the analysis of data. The result of the study indicated that learners, experienced difficulties to solve problems involving enlargement transformation geometry problems. Learners struggle to grasp the fundamental concepts of enlargement, particularly with the concept of the centre and scale factor. The study findings revealed the challenges faced by the students in comprehending geometrical figures that were transformed to a larger dimension. The Learners inability to understand the steps of transformation geometry because they had insufficient background knowledge on the topic is taken to relevance in this paper writing. The study focuses on the limitations, challenges and remedies being intended for better learning prospects.

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