Children With Disabilities: Deconstructing Myths with Social Realities
Children with disabilities (CwDs) are indeed more vulnerable than adults when it comes to coping with the ableist beliefs of society. They face unique challenges in addressing ableism because of their age, dependence, and developmental stage. The prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding CwDs, have doubled their challenges and adversely affected their social inclusion, development, and well-being. The paper explores some of these myths and misconceptions related to Children with Disabilities, as well as their actual social perception. For the study, five common myths were selected, and they were thoroughly analyzed. The paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the reality behind the myths and the challenges they face due to these myths and misconceptions. Also, the paper calls for a shift in social attitudes and stresses the need to replace these harmful myths with a fact-based understanding of disability.
Copyright (c) 2024 B Geetha, Asish Dineshan

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