Efficient Web Page Mining for Dynamic Web Site

  • B K Mathan Nagan Assistant Professor, Caussanel College of Arts and Science, Muthariyarnagar, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T Mahalakshmi Assistant Professor, Caussanel College of Arts and Science, Muthariyarnagar, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Web use mining, Web logs, User profiles, Click streams, Common Log record Format, Client Relationship Management


A huge portion of the organizations have the sites for their business. A huge portion of the clients of the association register their subtleties as client profiles. These client profiles have the individual subtleties and their fascinating propensities for the client. At the point when the client visits our sites the log record is made in the server. By partner the client profiles and web log record we can discover the much of the time visited clients. From the frequently visited client, we can discover when they are visited by grouping the client profiles with web log records. In our work we disclose how to get "who" the clients were, "what" they took a gander at, and "how their interests changed with time, "when" they visit which are all significant inquiries in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In our examination we present bunching the client profiles. We additionally depict how they found client profiles can be advanced with unequivocal data.

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