Ideologies of Effective Data Visualization

  • V Manikanta SRP in CIIL and Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
  • NG Yethiraj Associate Professor & PG Coordinator, Department of Computer Science, Maharani’s Science College for Women, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Visualization, Infographics, Charts, Diagrams, Scientific Reports


The users of the world are mainly focusing on automatic way of information and easily understandable way of representation in any of the fields. The representation of data using multiple software technologies options, electronic distribution is available for effective scientific way of visualization. But, some of the scientific disciplines many concepts are incorrectly available to users like figures, present information, inference of the data, etc. So, from this all aspects how to use visualization with practical representation of the data is very crucial for any data representation. Many color combinations are showing incorrect information. So, visual practices are required in daily activities with innovative method way for users to understand the concepts. Here we explored the various best ways of ideologies to represent the visualization in any of the fields.

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