Depressive Disorders and Suicidal Thoughts among Drug Addicts with HIV Infection

  • Maryam Sohrabi Khoei Ph.D. Research Scholar, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Keywords: Depressive Disorder, Drug Abuse, Suicide Thought, Positive HIV


The major objective of the study is the evaluation of psychological comorbidities in the outpatients receiving care for suicide thought, drug abuse, depression, and HIV. Methods: This Cross-sectional study was conducted with a consecutive sample of patients, male and female in the age range of 25 to 55years, referred to the center of outpatient addiction treatment of Tehran in 2016. According to the defined criteria, 203 HIV positive patients have been selected for an interview and asked to fill up the questionnaires of depression and suicide. Results: In this study out of 3500 drug abused patients, 203 HIV positive patients have been selected with history of depression and suicide thought .among, majority of our sample population had formal education in high school level (50.2%), unemployed (50.2%), with the mean age (39.35), Suicide idea (27.1%), depression (29.1%), the major depressive episode (70.9%), alcohol/drug abuse (18.0%), lifetime smoking (96.6%), and injection drug use in their life (77.8).Conclusion: A present study findings, a significant relationship between depression, positive HIV and suicidal thought among drugabuse. The future may have looked different, the patients began to envisage their future with less hope.

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