Leisure Time Activities Among 11th Standard Students of Chennai Schools

  • S Ramesh Vice Principal, Om Shanti College of Education, Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India


The present study examined study on leisure time activities among 11th standard students of Chennai schools. The investigator obtained permission from the Head of the Institutions for data collection from 300students. Survey method of study is used and random sampling technique to collect data. Questionnaire consists of 27 statements depicting various leisure time activities. The reliability of the instrument was determined by test method found to be 0.7956 which was significant at 0.01 levels. The following statistical techniques were adopted to realize the objectives and to test hypothesis: Descriptive analysis (Mean and Standard deviation), Differential analysis (t-values F ratio), and associated analysis (Chi-Square test), and Pearson correlation analysis (r). Major findings of the study revealed that the level of Leisure time Activity among the XI Standard students is moderate. There is significant difference in their Leisure Time Activity with respect to their Gender, Government VS Government. Aided, Government VS Private Type of Management, Below 10000 VS above 15000 and 10000-15000 vs. Above Parent’s Income, BC vs. MBC, BC vs. SC/ST Community, Government vs. Government Aided, Government Vs Private and Government. Aided vs. Private Type of Management. There is significant association between Government, Government Aided and private students with respect Leisure time activity. There is significant relationship in Leisure time activity and Academic Achievement among the XI Standard students.

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