Bharata Natyam

  • K Lakshmi Research Student
Keywords: Natya Veda, Knowledge, Natya Sashtra, Lyrics, Kriyas, Sapthaswara


Bharatanatyam is a form of dance signifying a combination of Bhava, Raga, Tala and Natya. During the period ruled by King Manu, the people greatly suffered as a result ofanger, jealousy, lust and greed. Hence to alleviate their sufferings, Lord Indra prayed Lord Brahma to bless with a new Veda which could be “seen “and “heard “together. Lord Brahma was pleased by the prayers of Lord Indra and created a new Veda came be known as “Natya Veda”by combining the essence of Four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas). The Meaning of Veda is Dheiveega Gnanam (Veda means Knowledge). hastra means rules, context for technical or specialized knowledge in a particular subject or area. Natya Veda provides a combination of both Dheiveega Gnanam (Knowledge) nd also rules, context of specialized knowledge and hence came to be known as Natya Sashtra.

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