The Game of English Language Teaching

  • S Udhaya Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, School of English and Foreign Languages, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


This paper says that language is not just a medium of communication but it is a human identity.It speaks about the relationship between a language and its speakers. This paper analyses the culturalimportance of a language. It stresses that every language has its own culture from which that languageblooms. It substantiates that we cannot have a language without a culture. This paper gives the historicalaccount of how English Education and English Medium Education were introduced in India. It explains thereasons why English should be learnt in India and discusses the strategy to be adopted for the EnglishTeaching methodology. This paper advocates for the Structural Methodology also says that StructuralMethodology will ease the learning of Spoken English. This paper delineates the importance of languagegames in English Language Teaching and shows some samples of language games which can be adopted inEnglish Language Teaching. It gives insight into English Grammar Teaching also.

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