Trends in Direct Finance of Scheduled Commercial Banks to Farmers According to Size of Land Holdings – An Analysis
Land development is a crucial factor in Indian economy. Land is a one of the important factor ofproduction and utilizes other factors very effectively in the process of production. In order to understandthe need ofland development in India it is very important to know the deferent sizes of land holdings bythe formers in India. There are many institutional establishments to provide financial assistance for landdevelopment. The land development certainly increasesthe productivity of land and helps to meet theaggregate demand for food articles in Indian economy. Among the many financial institutions scheduledcommercial banks play an essential role in providing financial support in terms of term loans for landdevelopment of deferent size of land holdings on India. The present study attempts to understand andexamine the trends in direct finance of scheduled commercial banks to formers according to size of landholdings in India

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