Gisbased Study on Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater in and Around Vilathikulam Region of Thoothukudi District, Tamilnadu, India
The GIS based evaluation of geochemical studies of groundwater was carried out in the sedimentary andmetamorphic terrain area of Vilathikulam region, Thoothukudi district,Tamilnadu,India.The geologicalsetting of the study area is given.The average analytical data of 21 groundwater samples from the openwells as well as from the bore wells, for the periodof both pre monsoon and post monsoon,such asPH,EC,TDS,cations Na+,Ca2+,Mg2+,K anions HCO3-,SO42-,Cl-,F and NO3were tabulated.The ArcGIS 10.1 softwarewas used for the generation of the various thematic maps.The interpolation techniques such as InverseDistance Weighting (IDW) method were used to obtain the spatial distribution of integrated parameters ofgroundwater quality maps.These water analysis data was processed by using a computer programme Hych.Based on the output of this programme, Handas classification,Corrosivity Ratio, Schoellers classification,Stuyfzand classification,USSL classification,Gibbsmechanisms,Sodium Adsorption Ratio,Residual SodiumCarbonate, Permeability Indexand Piper classification of groundwater in geochemical studies werediscussed.Various thematic spatial maps were prepared for the Hych output.

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