Is Caste System Prevalent Among the Syrian Christians of Kerala? A Critical Analysis

  • Thomas P John Assistant Professor in History, St. Xavier’s College, Thumba,Kerala, India
Keywords: Caste, Religion, Syrian Christians, St. Thomas Tradition, Synod of Diamper, Coonnan Cross Oath, ‘Mission of Help’ Malankara, Jacobite, Knanaya, Marthoma Syrian, Pazhayakooru, Puthenkooru, Idavaka


The concept of caste has ever been a reality in all societies and countries, and yet there exists someambiguities in understanding the concept of caste in some communities. A great confusion exists among theacademicians as well as in the general public about the concept of caste in the Syrian Christian communityin Kerala. The multiplicity of denominations among them, each having their own Rite, Liturgy, Clergy,Ecclesial hierarchy etc. had created great confusion among the people especially among the non Christians.Vague ideas had taken position and a majority including learned historians and thinkers are totally mistakenin this regard. Some interpret these varieties as separate castes. Hence, an earnest attempt to find out thetruth in this matter isurgent. This article is an attempt to deactivate the wrong concepts about the castefactor in the Syrian Christian community and to replace it with the most reasonable and genuine knowledgeof the same. It finds out that all the different Syrian Christiangroups except the ‘Knanites’ forms onesingle cast and the difference is only denominational.

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