Socio- Economic Status of Marine Fisher Women in Kanyakumari District

  • F Judas Mary Assistant Professor in History, GovernmentArts College (Autonomous),Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: socio-economic status, marine fisher women, Kanyakumari district, harvest activities, fisheries sector, eco systems


This article is an attempt has been made to describe the socio-economic status of marine fisher women and also discuss about the empowerment of fisher women in kanyakumari district. The purpose of this research is to study the various problems of the marine fisher women, such as employment, marketing, income, education and health et. The analysis is based on a field visit, case study and collected information both primary and secondary data’s. It has been the practice for a long time to call women as the weaker sex. Being given that label, they were subjected to the tyranny of the male and given a subordinate place in society. It is however, a known fact that women in ancient India were given an honored place. Many of our greatest writers have spoken of women in glowing terms. Rabindranath Tagore said, “Women is the builder and molder of the nation’s destiny. “According to Gandhiji" woman is the incarnation of Ahimsa “in other words Indian tradition has been characterized by a deep respect and regard for womanhood. Fishe from the major source of employment income and livelihood for most of the people inhabiting the coastal belt Women in fisheries are in general labeled as imperceptible workers as their contributions are not adequately apprehended and realized. Men are actively involved in fishing but women too play a major role in pre and post harvest activities.

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