A Study on the Moral Reforms of Thiruvalluvar

  • K Sumathi Research Scholar, Department of Yoga for Human Excellence, Bharathiar University, Tamilnadu, India
  • G R Valliammal Department of Commerce, Tiruvalluvar College Tamilnadu, India


Man being the Supreme being amongst all other living beings, hasforgotten how to live happily on thisworld.True to the observation of ancient poet Ouvaiyyar, it is a rarity to be born with the human form,when it comes to the physical build or the development of intelligence. Still human life faces confusion andsuffering which is increasing by the day. Great thinkers and scholars during different ages and fromdifferent places have identified and shown ways that help people endure or alleviate their suffering. Thoseworks of scholars which passed through research, clarity, practice and success are the ones that are likelyto guide the life of man by giving the maximum benefit. Such books are revered to be the primeauthoritative books or knowledge books (Vedas) and manual books (Shastras) or books based on lifeexperiences. One such book is the Tirukkural.

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