Scientometric Analysis on Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

  • T Brindha Ph.D. Research Scholar (Part-Time), Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • N Murugesa Pandian Librarian &Head (Rtd.), Department of Library and Information Science, Melaisivapuri, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Scientometrics, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Distribution of articles, Number of pages, Yearwise distribution, contribution Authorship Pattern


This paper describes results of a scientometric studyof 596 articles published in the Indian Journal ofExperimental Biology between 2012 and 2016 areselected to observe their distribution of contributions,authorship pattern etc. A significant note of this study is most of the articles are contributed by multipleauthors.The distribution of single vs. multiple author papers published between 2012 and2016 in the IJEB.Out of the total 596 published articles, 12 articles are single authored contribution with 8.3%, whilemultiple authored publications had occupied the highest position with 91.7 %.

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