The Cauvery Water Dispute in Pre-Independence Era

  • G Ambrosia Assistant Professor of History, PG and Research Department of History, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women(A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Cauvery river, Madras Presidency, Karnataka, Karikala Chola, irrigation reservoir, Kabini


The sharing of waters of Cauvery river has been the source of a serious conflict between the two Indian states of Tamilnadu and Karnataka. The genesis of this conflict rests in two agreements in 1892 and 1924 between the erstwhile Madras Presidency and Princely State of Mysore. The 802 Kilometres (498 miles) Cauvery River has 44,000 Km2 basin area in Tamilnadu and 32,000 Km2 basin area of Karnataka. The Cauvery water has been used by the people of Karnataka and Tamilnadu right from the ancient period. The ancient Chola ruler Karikala Chola built a stone Dam, across the river Cauvery. So as to restore the flow to pass through the delta region this structure is “considered to be the most ancient structure in the world built across the sandy river still functioning".

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