Trajectory of Fear through Mystery in Edgar Allan Poe’s “Ligeia”

  • S Sundara Moorthy Ph.D Research Scholar (P.T), PG and Research Department of English, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous) Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T Jayakumar Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of English, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous), Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Trajectory, Prototypes, emaciated, abundance, strikes, bridal, tapestries, ambiguity, vampires, hallucinations, revivification, nonentity


Edgar Allan Poe is very careful to get the readers interest by using an impressive introduction. In thisstory “Ligeia” he introduces the characters Legeia as a special beautiful but a mysterious woman. To ceratethe mystery and horror Poe carefully describes the atmosphere. For instance, Poe fashions the bridalchamber as having wonderful shape such as having five sides. Poe raises horror through “Logeia” and tellsthe story of awoman’s surprisingreturn from death. Poe alsoasks simplequestion what if the only reasonwe died was because we weren’t trying hardenough?Poe says it is hard to think about it. Poe takes whatcould be a very simple story woman comes back from the dead or woman triumph over death by sheer forceof will. He leaves open the possibility that we, too, can do the same if we go for it. “Ligeia” breaks downthe barrier between life and death, but not just to scare the reader. Instead, the memory of the deadshows the power of love to resist even the permanence of death. Thus, the present paper, discusses abouthow the story “Ligeia” makes the reader to trajectory the horror and fear.

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