Economic Development of Women Through NGOS in Ramanathapuram District

  • G Jeyamani Guest Lecturer in Commerce, Alagappa University Evening College, Rameswaram, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Women, NGO, SHG, Economic Development, Micro-finance, Mahalir thittam


“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved.” - Swami Vivekananda ur country is on the high roads of success, but still for a woman, her life is a battle for survivaland dignity from her birth to her death. They are facing the problems such as Female foeticides, Neglect during childhood, Early marriage, Dowry, Atrocities on women: Domestic violence, Women and trafficking, Eve teasing, Sexual harassment: In every ten-rape case, six are of minor girls. Gender bias reflects in status of Widows, Divorcees, Equal pay for equal work, Property rights and Overwork. Despite the efforts of the Govt to develop their status in the society, no significant improvements have been achieved. Therefore many agencies including Bank and NGO come forward to develop the status of women. NGOs extend a lot of support in giving training and in capacity building of the members of SHGs. The researcher has taken Ramanathapuram district in the southern Tamil Nadu as the study area for the study. This study highlights the role of NGOs with regard to the economic development of women through SHGs in Ramanathapuram district in the Southern Tamilnadu.

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