Government Welfare Schemes and its Impact on Standard of Living of Fisher Folk in Southern Coastal Districts of Tamil Nadu

  • R Karthikeyan Government Arts and Science College, Kadaladi, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Fisher folk, financial assistance, fishing ban season, fisheries, subsidized diesel, tsunami scholarship


The aim of the present research paper is to analyse Government welfare schemes and its impact on livelihood of fisher folk. This study highlighted the gap in between Government welfare schemes and livelihood status of fisher folk. This survey was conducted randomly selected fisher folk (N=926) in southern coastal districts of Tamil Nadu especially Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Ramanathapuram Districts. The Central and State governments provide enormous financial assistance to fisher folk in different ways. During fishing ban season, Government provide financial assistance to meet their day to day livelihood expenditure. This financial assistance provided only for the fisher folk who registered their name in Fishermen Co-operative society. This study shows that majority (71.7%) of the fisher folk are registered. More than half (55.9%) of the fisher folk got relief from government after being hit by tsunami. This study also reveals that only 31% of the fisher folk get diesel at subsidized price. Majority of the children of fishermen who are Christians do not receive tsunami scholarship when compared to other religions. Ramanathapuram district is highly affected by tsunami. Fisheries department provides necessary information such as fishing availability, weather condition to protect fishermen from time to time.

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